Rechargework User Agreement

"User" refers to any individual who loads any material to or from the Rechargework server. A "user" includes, but is not limited to, petition authors, 3rd party forum participants (anyone who has posted on a forum who is not a Member), individuals who make facebook comments on any of the Rechargework website properties, and petition signers. "Member" means any person who authors a petition on the Rechargework site or any person who joins the Rechargework community by opening an account.

"Moderate", "moderated content", "moderation" refers to a process by Rechargework where content is reviewed on a random sampling basis or due to comments or feedback by 3rd parties. Rechargework uses a part active, part passive moderation regime. Active moderation is conducted primarily on a random sampling basis. Passive moderation results from feedback by 3rd parties. Due to the massive volume of content posted to Rechargework, not all content can be reviewed actively, and therefore a large amount of content is automatically posted. Rechargework does not warrant that any specific petition(s) or forum comment(s) has been actively moderated, reviewed or even seen by a human being.

"Approved" petitions may simply have passed through a review period and may NOT have been actively moderated, or even viewed, by a human being. Active human moderation is primarily done on a random sampling basis.

(1). User/Member Agreement: In consideration of being allowed to use the website facilities provided by Rechargework, Users/Members agrees that Users/Members will not:

A. Use petition or forum facilities for any purpose in violation of local, state or national laws of any country;

B. Post material that is copyrighted, unless User/Member owns them or has the permission of the copyright owner to post it;

C. Post material that reveals trade secrets, unless User/Member owns them or has the permission of the owner of the trade secrets to post it;

D. Post material that infringes on any other intellectual property rights of others or on the privacy or publicity rights of others;

E. Post material that could be construed by a reasonable person as threatening, obscene, defamatory, unreasonable, hurtful, harassing, or hateful to another User/Member or any other person or entity;

F. Post advertisements or solicitations of business;

G. Post chain letters or pyramid schemes;

H. Impersonate another person.

I. Submit false User/Member information when opening an account or signing a petition. Rechargework reserves the right to edit, change or remove an account, petitions or signatures or any other information when untruthful or inaccurate User/Member information is supplied. This includes but is not limited to Name, Address, City, State, zip (post) code and e-mail address. Members may post petitions or comments anonymously or by using a username (nickname) to protect identity as long as such usage does not conflict with the terms of use herein. Rechargework reserves the right to ask a petition author to confirm their identity and provide their residential or business address. Failure to furnish this inforamtion upon request may result in account closure.

Rechargework also reserves the right to ask a petition author (whether an individual or organization) to publish a contact person (real name) on the relevant petition. Such a request can be made at the absolute discretion of Rechargework. A request may be made, for example, because Rechargework believes that legal issues exist beteween the parties of a nature that demands identity transparency. Rechargework encourages ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) procedures and this is often best served with a transparency policy. Failure to comply with a request from Rechargework for identity transparency may result in account closure

J. Signature Management and Signature Edits. Members must not edit a signature in any way that compromises the intent of the signer. Petition authors agree to edit signatures only to remedy a spelling or grammatical error, remove an obscenity or remove spam, or delete illegal material.

K. Members must use signature lists (including email addresses) responsibly, legally and in compliance with our Privacy Policy which forms part of these Terms. Members undertake not to spam their signature list. Members may forward their signature list to their petition's target but must not re-publish their petition's signature list on their own or any 3rd party website. Republication of signatures is in breach of our terms, our intellectual property rights (see Term (4) below), and our privacy undertaking to signers.

L. Will not hold Rechargework responsible for the consequences of any search engine access to public signature list details. M. Upload a petition about any issue that is currently before the courts, or will soon be before the courts, or use a petition as an instrument to engage in pre-litigation or litigation positioning. Petitions must not discuss evidence before the courts or show contempt of any court in any jurisdiction. A petition may not lobby court official in any matter that is before the courts. A petition cannot lobby jurors or make any comment about them. A petition should not, as a general rule, lobby state or federal prosecutors or judges.

N. Petitions must not show contempt of any court or judge in any jurisdiction. Petitions must not disparage any judge, DA, lawyer, barrister or legal official regardless of whether such allegations may be true or not. O. Petition authors may not use bots or automated scripts to upload signatures or other data to the Rechargework server, unless express permission is supplied by Rechargework. A breach of this term may result in a petition or account being disabled or closed.


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